It’s hard to get goals accomplished if you don’t write them down and if you don’t refer to them, as Leonie Dawson underscores this a bunch in her materials.
And so I’ve been on a quest for the best planner ever. I did my own attempt in March 2016, not realizing that a bunch of women have already been making these! Here’s the one’s that spoke to me reflecting my values.
My current lead winner: InnerGuide: “12-month planner inspires you to stay on track with your vision so you can live a more productive, creative and fulfilled life. Focus on both inner and outer goals to create real change. InnerGuide’s planners encourage you to reflect, cultivate self-awareness, and practice gratefulness. Includes several pages of planning tools and exercises to help you clarify your personal and professional goals so you can lay a strong foundation for a year that reflects the bigger vision of your life.” They also have some awesome-looking sheets for success, finances, etc.
The Simple Elephant
undated planners comes in second with yearly goals, gratitude section. This one also has weekly reflection spots, Mindmaps and Vision Board components make it standout from some of the others ,and a notes section.
Leonie Dawson: planner and workbooks for 2017. She’s extremely smart and understands what is needed to make serious culture change happen. She gets that women need to step up and occupy space and bring their visions forward. She is very colorful, maybe too colorful even for me.
Panda Planner Pro looks awesome too, undated with gratitude and goals for the year — monthly, weekly and daily sections.