I am so excited! Jillyhop LLC just bought a little free library that is going to be a little free art studio in my hood. Free art supplies and goodies will be in it. Jillyhop’s mission: to cultivate imagination to dream in a better world.it will live outside my house. It will be paintable/chalkboard and will have monthly theme with lasered goods and nontoxic art supplies and lasered shapes and materials to paint/write dreams in that people can take home or hang from my beautiful redbud tree in my front yard. Monthly themes will flow into online paid virtual classes, live and recorded, paid kits received in the mail with meditations, and all supporting people to incorporate art into daily life for health and changing the world to be a better place.

I have also begun offering shamanic 1:1 sessions using the canvas as tool to deepen one’s relationship to oneself and one’s inner knowing. Intuition is a skill that we all have, and one that we all can hone and harness. PM if interested in learning more.

And I am excited about my very corporate job where I support making the world a safer place, and support projects being delivered on. My left and right brains are feeling very satisfied. 😃

And I am excited about losing 40 lbs. When COVID is truly managed and we can gather again, I fully expect to be much smaller than I have been in decades (160+ more pounds to go) and no doubt not very recognizable!And I am excited to be in position to be able to help where I choose and the freedom in that. I very deliberately am making Jillyhop a capitalist tool as it were as I want to be empowered and nourished to help more… one way is for now through money. I had a lot of inner debate on this and am realizing now how cool it is to have enough money in Jillyhop to do things like buying a little free library to help my neighborhood. I can’t wait to see how that unfolds and how my tree will be holding space for people who choose to wish within it. 🙂 a community dreaming tree! how fantabulous is that????

Super thanks to everyone who has supported me in Jillyhop and engaged in my classes and products and paintings and the fuckflake purchases.

Anyone wishing to know more and support what I do, please sign up for my newsletter to stay updated on offerings. Jillyhop is very much about supporting people to birth a better world into being, as individuals and collectively. Art and imagination and intuition and the feminine are not less-than. They deserve an equal seat at the table of life with equal value applied to it — be that in the form of US dollars or respect or whatever other symbol is in play for demonstrating value.



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